Remember I said you can not remove anything from memory. Your memory of previous panic attacks even though subconscious and fought against is still there. It is common as a person progresses to think about "what if they come back" which brings them back to the surface where they are more accessible. Fact one. They did happen. Fact two. They can happen again. Fact three and this is the only important one. They don't have to.
Fact one. They happened because people in our condition have overrode the natural tendency to think positive and let the survival side rule. Negativity is almost always based on survival.
Fact two. We need to have some form of survival skill, unfortunately survival skills are negative.
Fact three. You survived the attacks before, you can again. Ignore fact one and two and concentrate on fact three. The fact that you did it once means you can do it again. Save fact one and two for when you really need them.
Do it again with medication if necessary so you can reinforce the positive in your memory.
Admit to yourself that because it is still in your memory that it is going to be hard and imperfect the first time you try again. Use perception. You are doing this because you want to, not have to. Want to is positive. Have to is negative. Accept what you get. That is positive. Dwelling on any failure is negative and breeds negative thought and makes it harder.
Look at wrestler, he wants to do it. He knows he can. He is doing it even though he is uncomfortable because he knows that every success is adding positives to his memory burying the negative thoughts that want to come up.
Do this and eventually you will have a hard time remembering that you ever had a panic attack. They will fade to the back of your memory and stay there if you let them.
Help this process by thinking only positive things like how good it was and how much better it can be. And believe. Really believe because I am not lying. It can and will really go away. It can also come back, but only if you let it.