Hi Spartan,
I have always wanted to go to Churchill - what a lucky opportunity. They say the northern lights up there are so bright you can read the newspaper at night without the lights on (used to have a friend who worked at Knee Lake)... either way, that's not why I'm replying ~ although I do wonder -are you from Wpg too (I am).
OK so here's my 2 cents - i recently went back to work after not having worked for about 3 years.. although I wasn't dreading it, I was fine. Didn't even cross my mind that I would have a panic "relapse" - I thougth I was pretty much cured. And then it slowly started... panic attacks at work, and I knew that they weren't going to kill me and that I was fine, but they just got worse and worse. That's when I came accross this site, and started this program. My meds are now working and the CBT I think is going great..
So I guess, if I were you, and because doctors are short supply up there, I would work through all the senarios (like the others have said) and when you go, keep working at CBT, and if all else fails, meds. I've always been on Celexa, and I know they take 2 weeks to start working, but it's two weeks that I just suffer through.
This trip will be a once in a lifetime experience for you. Don't miss it - you might regret it! And, who knows, you may not even have any panic issues, but if you do, you'll be prepared!
I hope that helps, and I pray it works out for you!