Way to go! Getting through the trip is a huge success in itself, but with very little anxiety is a huge triumph. I understand that you're still nervous about your longer trip but stay positive, which it sounds like you are, and remember how well this one went for you. Even if you are a little more anxious next time, it's okay, just remember your coping techniques. Your story is definitely an inspiration to afraid travelers like me!
Wow! Good for you!You should be proud of yourself, and confident that you will be able to easily take a longer flight.
Thanks for those good tips. I understand now about the story being realistic but not catastrophic. ...and the hint about looking at others , I'll keep these in mind.
So I am back from my day trip! I am really proud of myself. I did not panic before the plane ride nor did I even get anxious. I did take a zantac (to stop my acid reflex) and a graval just in case for nausea an hour before the flight. It was only an hour flight, so not very long but a nice test. I got anxious for about 30 seconds on the plane and then used my breathing technique and self talk to bring myself back. I was very proud of myself that I did not take any of my prescription meds for the flight. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I would if necessary but I didn't have to. This does make me feel more confident about my one week vacation to Mexico that is coming up in 3 weeks. I am definitely still nervous but I just try reflecting on yesterdays trip.
My anxiety is not necessarily solely about flying. It is more of a traveling anxiety than just a flying anxiety. It usually just starts with the flight. I am then usually anxious for the first day of the trip and then after that I ease up. Regarding writing the story. It is not supposed to be too extreme and too unrealistic. Mine was a combination of my worst traveling experiences, these situations never all happened at the same time but that was my most realistic worst case scenario. So maybe you should write about the noises the airplane makes if those bother you, and take yourself through your airplane ride and how you would feel emotionally without being too extreme. Some other advice my therapist gave me was to look at the people around me and not just be so focused on myself. He said when I look around I will notice that there are other people there that are nervous and uncomfortable and that I am not the only one. So not to be so ashamed and embarrassed by it.
I definitely think that CBT has really helped me. I think that we don't necessarily give ourselves enough credit sometimes and are really hard on ourselves. So, when I got off the plane and arrived home I allowed myself to be proud of myself and just say good job.
Thank you everyone for the support and I will definitely be nervous in the days to come for my Mexico trip and will be posting and look for support.
I hope my story helped give someone else some confidence.
Nah, you're not alone with travel anxiety. I haven't been on airplane in over 20 years, but plan on it next year.
Is your anxiety just due to flying or is it a combination of over-excitement regarding the vacationing? Just wondering, because at times I have gotten confused physical symptoms when I'm really excited that are very similar to anxiety/panic. One time last year, before this progaram and my SSRI, we were hosting a small party...well, it was almost the same as a panic attack, I had myself so worked up about it I could hardly stand still. I was the classic "nervous wreck"...
I am wondering about this story stuff. What do you write? If I were to write it..it would be that the plane would crash...so I'm not sure I should do that. But I'd love any tips on how to make my first flight in so long a bit easier. I have ativan, sure, but I've never taken one in my life, and would like to have this fear controlled before then. so lets help eachother! I'm still working on my elevator exposure. I live in a small town, but have to go to the city late this month, and you know whats there....elevators/heights.....I want so bad just to be calm about it...any one else with any good hints?
Have you started the CBT program? I want to tell you its a great one...I have come so far since I've been here...please post and ask any questions you have.
Sunny, it is comforting to hear about others having anticipatory anxiety. I find that my anticipation anxiety is way more extreme than any anxiety I get when I am in the actual situation. So I try to remind myself it is never as bad as I anticipate it is going to be.
I was very anxious last night before bed but managed to fall asleep. I woke up at about 2 am as I was having a dream that I was having a panic attack. That then caused me to have one. Though after about 20 minutes I managed to gain control of myself and fall asleep.
I fly out on Wednesday for the day. I will let all of you know how it goes.
Thank you all so much for the support. It is nice to know that I am not alone when it comes to travel anxiety.
You were able to find a solution that was right for you, and this is great. You know yourself, and what you feel comfortable doing! You will be able to take a plane in the future. Have a wonderful time on your trip. The train is wonderful way to travel!
Lauryn and Sunny, great advice. Thank you for sharing your own personal experiences.
Hi Lauren: Welcome to the site. I have anticipatory anxiety also, all mixed in with the excitement of a trip. I flew last year and though had some anxiety, did quite well. I used the breathing exercises and the positive self talk. I kept reminding myself of the happy reunion with family and friends waiting for me. I kept visualizing all the fun I was going to have - like you on the beach with your boyfriend.
I like the idea of writing the story as exposure. I might try that next time. Thanks for the tip.
Good luck for your trip. Keep the positive thoughts going.