Hi Red
I am not agoraphobic but I have places where I get panic attack. However, I think anxiety can severely affect your life towards social situations. To give you my example in grade 8 I was the big man on campus I knew everyone and had a lot of friend. Then grade nine I started to have anxiety and panic attacks in high school I had a few good friends. Then university I spent a year not talking to anyone, eventually ended up with two good friends. Now have no friends like the ones I had before. What caused this gradual reduction was anxiety. When you feel anxious all the time, you are less likely to be outgoing and friendly. Sometimes all it had to do with is I felt crappy all day and did not want to make an effort. I did not know I had panic attacks and anxiety back then but I sure knew when I was not feeling well. When I think back, my friends kept me going even through the rough time. When I was laid off, I lost all work a friend or acquaintances and eventually ended up in the hospital. Now I know what wrong and that it is anxiety and I can work on it. I believe that being alone feeds into anxiety and anxiety feeds into being alone. I am guessing, although you say been acrophobic for a long time, that there was I time when you were not anaphoric what were like back then. Possibly this will tell how much you have changed from being agoraphobic. One thing that I know for sure social isolation can lead a normal person into a mental illness.
I am also more comfortable on my own or with people I know. I have some very strong negative core beliefs about be trapped with a small group of people. These go back to my school days when I was in elementary school and it got worse as I progressed through school... I pretty much was becoming Agoraphobic by the time I was 16 and it has gotten progressively worse over the past 40 yrs. I don't experience the blushing, sweating, freezing that they talk about. My blood pressure does go up and I do get gastric trouble and sleep disturbances with nightmares if I have been in a very difficult situation like the one I have been in lately....This type of social situation has been something I try to stay from because of the anxiety it causes me and the fact that it makes me physically sick. I have been trying to change this and it has been very hard and I am not sure if it is possible. My past experiences in life tell me to stay away from people because it is safer and less painful to be on your own......This is something that I really do struggle with.