I am not sure if I should wait a while, work the program and then get a job. I think I am just going to go for it. If it doesn't work out I will know and decide on the weekend.
I have a lot of anxiety around working, too. I ultimately decided to take some time off from work to focus on the program and dealing with my anxiety (and some of the underlying issues that made me so anxious at work in the first place - like this job no longer being right for me!), but everyone's situation is different. If you have to work at this time for financial reasons, I would recommend being up front with your employer about what you are dealing with and trying to start out slowly with your schedule if at all possible. It took me a long time to be totally honest with my employers about what I was dealing with, but that was a necessary step towards trying to make the job at all manageable! If work is just too much right now, accept that, but don't resign yourself to that being the permanent way of things. Commit to overcoming the anxiety and build work back into your exposure when you're ready for it.
You are getting ahead of yourself. You need to do relaxing and coping first. Exposure won't work otherwise. Exposure is not the cure it is only reinforcement of the cure.
I am restarting this program as I did some and left it. Now I am starting to approach the exposure work and I don't know what to do. I start a job on Thursday and I am panicking. I am really struggling and I also quit one other job before due to avoidance.
I need to work at least part time, but I already agreed to start working on Thursday. I am tired of avoiding but, its just so easy.
So I am not sure what to do. Do I quit and work through the program (which hints at avoidance) or do I just go to it?