You do not have a mental illness. Get that out of your head. You have a mental condition. I have been right where you are, possibly worse, no definitely worse. And I am fine now so get that in your head. You can be any thing you want and you can do any thing you want you just have to follow the program and believe in yourself. You do not have to know at this point what the trigger is or was. Right now you have to know how to relax and how to cope. Once you can do that then you can look for the trigger and do something about it. Panic is only a case of being out of balance. When you have too many negative thoughts and too few positive you get panic. Reverse it and you get relief. Bury the negative under tons of positive and you get cured. That is it in a nut shell. Now doing this simple thing can get complicated. Once you can relax and cope you are ready to look for the cause and fix it. But right now relaxation and coping skills will give you a lot of relief and put you about half way down the road to a cure. And believe me when you do get a cure you will find it hard to believe you ever had a problem. Keep a journal because this is no BS. You will wonder why you ever thought you had a problem. Panic will just go away.
Please know you are not alone in this, there are so many people here to offer words of encouragement. One piece of advice being frustrated with yourself, it only makes matters worse for you & fuels the panic/anxiety. Keep in mind you are doing the best you can given your circumstances at this time. There are tools you can learn on this site to help you throughout your journey.
Feeling detached, I have been there too but you know what it does get better. I know that's hard to believe now, but it's true as other people who have been through this will tell you.
Ever feel like everything is just too much? I'm having one of those days/nights (it's currently 2.44 am here in Ireland)...I'm just so frustrated with myslef for being in this constant state of anxiety. I'm feeling so deteched from myself and my family, and I feel like it's gradually getting worse. I'm usually away at university and most of my anxiety happens there, when I'm away from home. I'm home this week and I really thought things would be better....unfortunately thats not the case...I'm finding myself more alone here than I was when I was away..It's so frustrating when I remember how I used to be. I am now a shadow of my former self and I don't know what to do. I want to get better, but anxiety has become such a part of who I am now that I can't imagine a life without it..I want to meet someone and have a family and live a fruitful life that I enjoy, I can't visualise you can guess I'm at a real low point now, which is saying something because I was usually a happy person who let nothing get me down..I'm constantly worried and constantly expecting the next panic attack. I dont know what my original trigger was, it still baffles me to this day...I cant do anything with my friends anymore, in the sense that I can't go out and enjoy myself-worry free. I dont trust myself or my body any more and I can't stand being alone..I stay up late so I'll sleep in the next morning so I've less of the day to go through...Even reading back over this now, I'm upset with myself for letting it get this far..It's really hit home there in the last few weeks as up to this I could carry out normal things like shopping with my housemates in University, going to my lectures by myself and go to work and enjoy myself there..Now though, I panic at the thought of even leaving the house on my own, I find myself panicing at the thought of the sheer size of Tesco (A large supermarket over here) and in work (I work in retail), my job involves talking to customers extensively and just this weekend I began having a panic attack midway through serving a customer, that I had to pretend I was going to be physically ill and had to get one of my collegues to take over...I know that this anxiety needs to stop, but I can't bring myself to talk to anybody about it..It would make everything more real to me, and to be honest, I think that I don't want to admit to myself that I have a mental top it all off, I have exams starting next week and I really don't know how I'll handle being stuck in an environment like that for a prolonged time and not be allowed to leave...I havn't been eating, sleepng or generally being properly for the past while, and it's really getting me down...I would also like to add that I'm not on any meds or anything..any advice you guys could offer would be amazing, and I'm sorry for being on such a downer...