Knowing your own limits and what you feel comfortable with is important. Even though its a movie or television show, images and words still get a reaction from us. Children have been found to be more violent after watching violent movies. So we are affect by what we see and hear.
Members, can you share what you do when seeing images that are unsettling ? How do you cope?
I'm still new to posting in the forum, so even though the date is awhile back, I wanted to reply.
It helps to know there are others that have the same reactions I do. Just yesterday my husband put on a movie
and I can't handle anticipation, whether its violence or comedy. It gets me too nervous. I have to remind mysefl
it is only a movie. He has to watch Dexter alone - it's just too upsetting for me. I feel the fear too much. I love animation.
If you haven't seen 'Up' its adorable. We watch it over and over and now use the line "but its a talking dog" we just find it hilarious how he says it, only we put in our own words for stuff that comes up thru the day.
I've never been a fan of suspense/thriller types of movies. Some people like the adrenaline rush that comes with feeling scared or on edge during a movie - or by doing some other activity like riding a roller coaster. I think for many of us that have anxiety issues, we don't need these activities because we have a built-in adrenaline drip that gets a little over-active sometimes!
During a bad flare up of my anxiety I also didn't like films that weren't happy and/or funny. In fact, watching romantic comedies was a way to take a break from my anxiety, because I would get wrapped up in the good feelings in the movie. As I've gotten a little better, I've been able to watch some different sorts of movies again that are more serious or complex....but I'll probably always avoid those thrillers.
I used to be able to watch any sort of thing however gruesome it was, now though I find I get really anxious when watching anything with drug abuse in it. I aslo find it difficult to listen to music thats hard on the ears.
I'm the exact same! Even watching t.v is sometimes difficult for me, but I find it especially hard to go to the cinema now (which is frustrating because I used to LOVE going to the cinema)...On the plus side, you can still watch comedies and romantic films! It's also helpful that you know what your trigger is!
I am also like that. I used to be a fan of Lost, but I realized I can't even watch THAT anymore. I was always afraid of horror movies so I always skipped that, but after anxiety, depressing and serious movies can trigger me too. Sometimes when I'm watching COMEDY, I get anxious because I feel like I hyperventilate when I laugh too hard or something (usually I feel uncomfortable when my family is around) but I still watch it.
Thank you for sharing this with us. It sounds like you have made a discovery about yourself and what can trigger anxiety for you. Enjoy the comedies and romances, those are the feel good movies that inspire us to do great things!
Me too. I think it is because I have a traumatic thought buried that is too close to that type of movie. Any way I just find it easier not to watch them so I will probably never find it. Besides I prefer fantasy over reality.