Its so nice to hear how other people have this problem to I was begining to think I was a rare case,
Ive had panicattacks for a little over a year, My first one happened when I had the shingles but mistakenly
thought is was an infection, since that first panic attack ive gone for periods of time where I did well but then fell
back into it again, at the moment yeah when I get my heart rate up exercising its like it gets you nervouse then you
fall into kind of increased heart rate maybe slash panic attack. I think the thing to do is first say no matter how fast my
heart beats or skips or how sick I feel nothing bad can really happen to me its not possible, repeat not possible, I know perhaps the not possible truth and it is can make as big as an impression on our minds as the heart pounding, because I think its that impression of the heart pounding what would seem to be out of control from your very first panic attack that is still left in the mind, but all the people who had that panic attack from the beggining didn't know that all though the heart was pounding everthing was ok even if it went on all day even to the doctors, still what was not known was that the body was not truly hurting its self,
I think this helps me and mabey it will help other people, that strong impression of a painc attack and the many that followed were not happening to a body and mind that was educated and informed about the myths of panic attacks, it was happening to a body and mind that had no clue about panicattacks, so how should those first memories of the panic attack effect us since we didn't know the truth, if we never had that first one then we wouldn't know how to have another, but the first ones shouldn't make us have another because when we had the first one we didn't know what it was, and this lack of knowledge fuled the panic attack to go on. But now that we probaly have alot of the knowledge we have probaly already experienced so many bad panic attacks that it keeps them going , well I think the key is to keep learning, and keep saying if you have trouble doing somthing, was there ever a time where I could do that like exersise, was there ever a time where I didn't woory when my heart rate was up over hundred playing basketball, there probaly was and why should I be any different now, what has changed. Dose the panic attack really have that much power to completely change you.
It helps me to to realize your not being attacked, its a response a reaction, to perceived danger, it helps to say, this is nothing in the middle of a panic attack this is absolutely nothing, and feel the heart pounding in your chest, when you feel it and then dont be afraid it, it can slow down quickly, it helps to, to say this just isn't so bad, I think to there are many ways to stop a panic attack too, some people think there is only one way and I have to find it, maybe there is Im still looking for it, I haven't tried the Linden method or Panic away with the one move trick, but im thinking about it, but I think the thing that can help is that there maybe many ways to stop a panic attacks, I think its important not to close your self in, to beleive that anything is possible, no pancic attack ever is exactly the same, this is because even if we think were not controling it we are even if we think we failed to stop it its still being controlled some how, its not truly working on its own. So I think its important to believe always believe that one can always handle a panic response, and keep believeing that others have been completely free of pancic attacks and it is possible for anyone, this is a truth and it is medicaly documented.