Hi ya Miki , oh dear sorry to hear things have taken a u-turn .
. This damn anxiety has alot to answer for , i too have said really awful things at times and have not been very proud of myself . It can be a visious circle as well , you hurt the ones you love but only because you are so frustrated with yourself . Then the guilt , oh my thats the killer . That sets off the depression , arghhhhhh .
Im getting older and wiser now lol , i am trying to think before i speak now . Not perfect at it but who is ? Of course you would have loved to have gone with him , deep down he knows that . It must be hard for him , he sounds like he loves you very much as well .
Text him , but dont overload him with them all at once . Keep the first ones short and simple , miss you love you sort of thing . Then gradually move onto ones like remember the time when ( a happy lovely memory) .
Then maybe towards the end of his trip have a small plan of action , nothing too much for you ok . I dont know um something like a midnight picnic ( even if you cant go out have it in your garden) . You can have candles , food you both enjoy , a favourite song that means something to you both .
I have gone blank now and am just waffling , hope your ok hun .
Take care CD xxx