Well i dont know to include my story as a success or not but here goes .
Yesterday my FIL left to go home . When i got up the house was an absolute tip . I nearly lost it but didnt (i really havnt had an arguement with hubby since jan because im scared of having an PA ) . I waited till FIL had left on his coach and my husband got in .
Now ive had weeks of doing pratically everything in our house no matter how much i hurt or am feeling . Seeing all that mess was the last straw . BUT i didnt shout i quite potitely asked why he hd left it all . ' i didnt want to do it he said ' !!!! OK i lost it then but kids heard and got upset so i stopped . My hubby can never just stop , he is one of those people who just goes on and on .
So i packed up my three youngest and headed off to the park by the bus station . While kids were playing i had the mad implusion to get on with kids and go to my mums . Now its nearly an hours bus ride !!! Once on i nearly panicked , and nearly got off bus in the middle of nowhere but didnt . I kept it together JUST .
My mum and dad nearly fainted when they saw us but was very happy . The kids wanted to stay the night which i was worried about . I havnt been away since January and above my mums chipshop used to be an old hotel so very creepy !! I did end up staying AND working a whole shift . I was in complete agony as well but got through it . I kept getting nasty texts from hubby so had that pressure as well . I was up nearly all night because i was hurting and close to full blown PA's . No idea how i got through it but i did .
Now today i even magaged to go to church another 1/2 hour ride there . Was feeling funny in there but got through it , i really did enjoy it as well . I got tearful when some people came up to me and told me how nice it was to see me again and asked how i was doing . One even asked if it was alright to pray for me . I didnt expect her to hold my hands and do it infront of me . I found that alittle bit embrassing ! Mind you not as embrassing as holding onto my trousers because i hadnt got a belt , i have lost so much weight they nearly went down lots of times lol .
Came home afterwards to a unhappy home again after all that too . I have said before that my husband suffers from very bad depression , i just find it so hard to deal with sometimes . I have to be strong for the kids sake .
So i now you see why i dont really want to see this as a success because i basically ran away and did them with no planning .