Hello there scaredagain . What an awful thing to happen to you , you poor thing . You are not going mad ok ? Thats what i feel like sometimes , i know im not but when im exremely anxious reliaty goes poof out the window .
Like you my panic and anxiety has returned , but i truly believe that it went away once so it can go again .
Just wish it would hurry up .
Welcome here as well :) It does help .
Hi everyone
I see so many of you being supportive to eachother so I'm going to admit my worst fear for the first time ever.
It all began years ago when I watched a show about schizophrenia and a woman believed she was covered in bugs...and they were in her head etc...
Well after watching that show I started to fear that happening to me..and I can feel the creepy crawlies etc. and then I start to panic like what if the feeling never stops????
For years this feeling went away but now I've relapsed and for the first time in years (over 10), I dreamt about bugs and the the thought came back.. Now I'm terrified that the thought will never go away...
I have 2 kids and I'm in a high state of anxiety. I'm on medication and have been for a long time and it has kept it in check for a long time..but all of sudden... it's all coming back .. panic..fears...
I feel overwhelmed by it all...
Thanks for listening.. and hopefully this too shall pass.