Hi Lorlee,
Sending warm wishes your way! You can do this! Fantastic preparations with your coping mechanisms!
Good luck, let us know how everything goes, we are thinking of you!
The PC Support Team
In two hours I will be at the Dentist getting my temporary crowns. I feel so afraid. I have tried so hard in the last week not to even think about my appointment. Every time I have I've gotten this wave of fear wash over me. It is so silly because I really want the work done so I can smile again but I just wish it was all over already. It is the freezing I am really freaked about. I am planning on taking extra Ativan before I go in to hopefully get a handle on the fear. I am also taking in a relaxtion cd to listen to.
If anyone reads this before 11am pacific time could you send out a little prayer for me it would be much appreciated.
I will let you know how it all went later. Thanks!! :confuse: