By all means vent away! Remember though, it may not take nearly as many nights doing the same exposure so you may be able to ease back into it fairly quickly.
Just challenge those thoughts!
Keep persevering! Cheering you on!
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
Well last night was another air conditionning night and so I was late again for work this morning. But I managed to get my sorry, guilty feeling, anxious self to work. Now I am having a pretty good day.
The one thing that is really irking me since last friday tho is that I can`t seem to go back to sleep in my bed with my hubby. So I guess I will go back and take a look at the earlier steps of my exposure work in my bec and exposure work cuddling with my hubby and go back to that to try and work my way back. It kinda irks me to have to go back like that but I figure that admitting I need to and doing it will be the best and fastest way to get back to where I was. So here I go, fighting back with exposure work lol We will see how it turns out in a few weeks... As soon as I get home I will check my exposure plans and pick the appropriate steps to do and set my goals there. Makes me annoyed tho EURGH!!!
Well thanks for letting me get that off my chest!
Bleh, I just got back from the eye doctor I am completely pooped! On top of it I had to invest in some new glasses... Spending large amounts of money I don't really have always makes me really anxious. But I have been talking myself down and telling myself it's a good long term investment. Which in my case is actually true I tend to keep my glasses for seven years at a time lol. My hubby said something that really helped me lol He said if you think of it in terms of seven years, yourglasses cost you less then 50 dollars a year lol. So I figure hurts a bit now but it will be good for my eyes for a while to come. Well, after a day like this I think I will go read and then walk a bit and go to bed, Later guys!
Phew! Rough day but you did it! And managed well despite some unexpected suprises like getting up late.
Keep persevering! You'll be back on track in no time.
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
ok managed to get myself to work, do a good days work and come home by bus ( I must be mad it is insanely hot here!). Now, I also have to go to the ye doctor. I am very tired. I find being more anxious makes me more tired and vice-versa. Days like the last few days, I tend to have to manage myself a lot more. This makes me a bit annoyed and tired. But I am still proud of myself that I am getting through my days as well as I have been.
With the hot weather the air conditionning is on full blast non-stop and I donèt sleep well. I slept badly again and overslept this morning. Now I am late for work which makes me anxious and it makes me want not to go in to work. I keep thinking the bus will be horribly slow and make me panicky all the way there...
So I think what I will do is pack my lunch and take a cab to go there. I figure taking a cab is better then skipping work! Then I will take the bus to come home so I know I can do it... So that is the plan. Makes me nervous getting there late but it is better then not going at all... So off I go, wish me luck! I have been pathologically paralyzed by being late since childhood... Man this morning is no fun! But ok, here i go lol Later!
I slept poorly last night and as such was exhausted all day. On top of it, I am starting that time of the month and am having cramps really bad cramps.
Today was my first full day at work. I ended up leaving work at 3 pm instead of 5 pm but I had worked through my whole lunch hour so I really only missed one hour of work today. Plus my boss didn't need me anymore. As such I am now home and getting ready for a little nap. I usually try not to nap so I sleep well at night but i think a little hour nap is what I need rigt now, being so exhausted is making me anxious... So off I go to my nap... Another tough day but I am taking good care of myself and it is getting better!