Ok, who's up for this? I've been attending a CBT group in my city, and it's really helping a lot. One of the things we are focussing on is that, if you are really serious about getting control of this disorder, you need to CHALLENGE yourself. No sitting back and succumbing to fear! So, this week in my CBT group we were asked to set a goal for ourself - one goal, to accomplish this week, and report back to the group on how it went for next week's class. I made 2 goals - one is exposure work - to drive myself to the class next week instead of letting my husband drive me. The second is to reduce my anxiety and stress levels - by not getting upset or angry or annoyed or stressed out by A SINGLE thing my 12 year old step son does this week. He is a great kid - but he's a typical 12 year old boy and does a lot of little things that I allow myself to be really irritated by. Normally I get upset or have a disagreement with him 2-3 times every day. That seriously increases my stress and anxiety levels, so this week I am letting every single little thing just wash over me. If it isn't a life or death mistake, I am just going to say, "oh well, he's just a kid" and leave it at that.
Those are my goals this week. What are yours? I challenge you to think of one goal for the week that you think will take you one step further toward control of this disorder. Maybe it's going for a short bus ride, leaving your house once every day even if it's just to walk to the corner, or going to the mall for 2 minutes, or driving somewhere alone, taking the kids out by yourself, or not looking up a single illness or symptom on the Internet for the next 7 days.
Whatever it is, I challenge you to commit to it here, and then we can all report on how we did next week. Hey - it's a win-win situation: if you achieve your goal, you get to share that success with everyone here and then build on that accomplishement; if you don't make your goal, there's no shame in it as long as you give it your best shot! Then next week, try again, until you DO accomplish it. I believe this is the fastest and possibly the only path to recovery. Who's in?