Hey everyone, I guess I should start out by saying I'm 19 and had my agoraphobia issues for about 4 years.I'm now just starting to get help for it somewhat. My problem is that I'm supposed to be moving soon in a few weeks or so. I have no idea how to handle this.I'm moving 5 hours away and I don't really know anybody there except for a few people I have talked to online and the phone for awhile.They want to be able to hang out and show me around and I'm already dreading that. I'm supposed to be going down there later this week to look at places to rent.I have made the appointments but am not sure when that time comes if I am going to be able to keep them. The thing I'm worrying over like none other is how am I supposed to handle a job and simple things such as going to a store,going to pay bills,even getting petro at times.I was getting a bit better but then all of a sudden about 3-4 weeks ago the attacks came back full force and more intense then ever.I'm so terrified of being around people,in lines/places I can't leave easy.Its somewhat of a college town and for some reason it scares me even more to be around people my age,maybe its because they like to hang out,go places and just do things spontanousley.I'm trying to find a counselour so I can have one when I get there but they are somewhat rare in that area.Does anyone have any suggestions on this?How to handle the move,being new and having to deal with new places/things or getting and keeping a job?