You need to get back on track. Always check with your doctor to rule out anything medical. Use the food groups and portion control to eat better and maintain weight.
Your body will feel better when there is less junk being pumped into it. Save your ice cream for a reward at the end of the week. This way you will really enjoy it.
Take it slow and ask your doctor to help you plan out some good eating habits. Let us know what you do, we are always here.
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hello everyone! I seem to be on a rollercoaser heading DOWN these past few days.... I am a strict low or no carb eater and have eating a lot icecream cake, Christmas baking, chips, pizza and on and on (you get the idea! :p ) this is seems like a shock to my system. I have been soooo shaky on the inside lately. It's driving me NUTS!!! I don't know how else to describe it but I feel shaky on the inside. My husband always likes to blow off my worries with the simpliest explanation. I would like to think that this has been from my eating, but how long could a sugar rush possibly last for? Does ANYBODY have any idea of the feeling I'm talking about???