I am brand new to all of this. I have never done a message board. About 2 yrs ago, I had this tickling sensation in my chest constantly, no pain or anything. I went to the doctor and they ran tests on my heart. My biggest fear is having a heart attack. Everything came out normal, but durning the whole episode, I began waking in my sleep startled all night long. I got no sleep for 2 weeks. Once I found out it was anxiety, it all went away. I did end up going on effexor and things were good except I had profuse sweating, so my doctor took me off it and the sweating went away. I went about a year off medication and seemed fine. I started a new job in August and was so stressed that I gave notice, but they talked me into staying. The stress there is gone, but then I took a fall on my knee and it scared me to death, because my reaction to the pain was so intense and I pulled muscles which caused me anxiety everytime I moved. Since, then I really believe it has set me in some sort of worldwind of something. I started having all kinds of strange unexplianable pains everywhere in my body which was stressing me out. I went to the doctor and she reassured me it was just me reacting out of the norm to normal aches and pains. I didn't want to go on antidepressants, so she suggested St Johns Wart. I was on it for about two weeks and nothing until one night at work, I had this intense feeling of fear, with the heart tingling sensation. It just kept building and I thought I was going crazy. This was my first real anxiety attack (I think that is what is was) It was about a week ago. Everyday since then I have had the same sensations and it lasted for two entire days where I couldn't get off the couch. I felt scared, but I don't know why. Now I am back to complete insomnia waking in fear the minute I doze off. My doctor said it could be a rare reaction to the St Johns Wart and took me off. I have been off for about 5 days and the symptoms are still with me. Does anyone know what is going on with me? Sorry to ramble, but I have never had anything but stress before, nothing like this and am scared to death.