Oh Vickers I am sorry you are having a rough time I am praying for you. I have been SO dizzy this week too with headaches and tingling, of course I have a brain tumor when my anxiety and panic go up the hypo in me escalates! The tooth and your hubby's work change probably brought this on, I know a change in my routine does it every time {ex: new school for my son, new job, husband} I do not think you are pregnant, remember back in March I convinced myself I was, I had the nausea, swollen breasts etc...I took six tests and still thought I was, since you had such a heavy one, you will probably be a little late and have a lighter one. I fully understand what you are going through. The Paxil seems to have lifted the depresssion, ever so slightly, not alot, but a tiny bit, I am hearing songs in my head, maybe thats a good sign?? it has not helped with the anxiety yet through, that is as bad as ever. Do you want to hear something odd? I am trying to "bargin" with God , I asked him to PLEASE take the hypocondria and depression and leave the panic, I can deal with one but not three!!! Believe it or not I would rather have the panic than the depression or hypo, perhaps because I have lived with it so long I am use to it, but its a vicious cycle I know. Please let me know how you are feeling VIckers, I am concerned. I hope the weekend will let you rest and recoop, you are a wise wonderful person and Mother and I only wish I possessed half of your strength and courage, I just KNOW you will prevail I know it in my heart. God bless you, Debbie.