I always notice relief when I get angry and let it all out. I try not to get angry very often though because my mother was a very angry mother because it gave her release to her anxiety and I don't want my kids having that same kind of "walking on eggshells" childhood. It's not fair to the people you are screaming at. I have learned that any kind of release helps just the same. Writing it out in a journal, talking to people, this support group, exercise, etc.... I'm glad you are feeling better after getting it out - but, don't let anger outbursts be your release. Once in awhile is ok though. I think that sometimes we all need to take a moment to crack. ;)
I really think that holding anger or any emotion in makes you feel worse. Physically too! Look at people who get IBS and ulcers from stress. Stress takes a toll on your whole body. Venting helps. Even writing your angry thought in a journal can help alot. Just to get them out. Hope you are doing better.
Isn't amazing how powerful the mind is? I think a lot of times when we are feeling overly anxious or panicky -- physically our body hurts...Gina you are fine...there is nothing 'wrong' with you -- are you taking medication? Try taking some deep breathes...I know how you feel...I think when the anxiety builds up we become 'physically ill' -- but it does help to talk and remember we are here for you...Take care of yourself....
so i woke up so tired that that i felt in a trance.i made my self go to work after pulling over 2 times.so i get to work and i feel sick my ears hurting,hot and cold,anxious.anyways someone upset me at work and i yelled at him i mean i really let him have it.and the werid thing is i felt better.my ear stopped hurting i wasnt so tired.i dont understand am i makeing myself sick by holding in all my emotions?can you make your self phyiscaly sick from holding things in?or maybe when i yelled i stopped focusing on my health.i dont know. what do you guys think????? gina