I experienced these 'mini anxiety attacks' you describe, and I hate to tell you, they may continue for a while......that deep down feeling in the pit of your body and a hot flash too from time to time......it is a panic-type attack. Ashley is right, breathing deeply and relaxation do help.
The Nicodemon sat on my left shoulder wherever I went, speaking to me so persuasively that if I 'just had one' the panic attack would go away. I felt I was going mad with the voices......I counter-acted with a Guardian Angel, who sat on my right shoulder and ran through all the reasons why I should stick with my quit.
Goodness knows what people thought about this lunatic woman muttering her way around shops etc! The thing is it worked. You will find a way to make it work too.....you have been determined enough already.
Hi Ashley, I am completely lost on how to post to a forum, then to read it, or how to recieve feed back. I have been getting the e-mails. Thanks for your help. I'm on day 4 and doing better today, but know I have a long way to go.
Anxiety is a common withdrawal symptom. Exercise is a great way to combat these cravings. Also, relaxation techniques like box breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga and meditation is also great.
Yes things coming out of the blue is something I remember vividly. There was THIS FRIEND who every time he would call he would go on in this long journey of talking about all kinds of esoteric stuff and when he called it was always with my not so friendly smoke. So what happened when I quit is I would get such craves when he called I had to figure out what to do. I decided to forget the late night talking on the phone and meet up for lunch instead. Then there was this chair I smoked in and I would get a flash of needing to go out to that chair (to of course smoke) and that would drive me a little crazy. I finally ditched the chair.. The good news is all of these out of the blue things went away after the first month. Your two weeks down so hang in there with this..R
I guess we've all been there, done that, as Brenda would say.
I found it way too easy to give in to the second- and third-weekend craves in the past; not such a bad Friday or Saturday night, all things considered, but I sure didn't respect myself in the morning.
And I for one am just tired of not respecting myself in the morning. I deserve better treatment than that, and so do you. So do we all. I am really done with being nicotene's little slut for the night when things get a little dicey.
Oh, boy can I relate. It was during the 2nd week that I lost most of my quits. But you did NOT smoke!!! There are and will be days that you feel like pulling your hair out, not a good idea Each day comes with its own little quirks, but your are doing great. There will days that you think this quitting isn't all that bad and then BAM the pays a visit. Kick his ash and keep doing what you are doing. You did all the right things and do reward yourself.
First, congratulations on making it through heck week. I definitely can relate to what you're going through. Just remember that when the cravings come, and they will, now it's the psychological addiction that's talking. You're doing the right thing by posting. When I first came here, I was informed to post, wait for five responses, and the craving will be gone. You know it really works! Of course, I had to wait a couple of times for a long time for five responses. Commit to following the system, and you'll be fine. You will soon be cheering on others as the reach milestones.
Break, congrats on surviving Heck Week with 14 smoke free days! The first couple weeks of quitting smoking your body goes through different emotions. Some days are easy, some days are tough. A site, a sound, a memory can all trigger intense cravings. I remember being so good the first month or so, then I was in Texas for work and had memories of smoking at a favorite bar. The cravings were so bad, but it was all because of the memories. That is why you need to start having non-smoking traditions and memories. They say it takes a whole of being smoke free, celebrating every season and holiday, to really get through all those old memories. Then you have new traditions, all smoke free of course!
Hang in there when these cravings come back. Treadmills and walking are great ways to reduce the cravings and get some exercise! Don't forget to reward yourself to celebrate 14 smoke free days! Good luck with the blah days!