Hi Debbie,
I can identify with what you are going through, I feel a lot of the same things that you do. I can barely function. My anxiety is so high it's unreal and the depression makes it hard for me to function. How long have you been on Zoloft? I know that it takes a while for it to work. I have Zoloft now, but I am afraid to take it.
You cannot give up. You may feel your prayers are being blocked, but they aren't. For myself, I keep trying to remember a scripture tht the Lord says, that he doesn't give us more than we can handle, and jokingly, I think he must think I am a very strong person.
Have you tried other medications, I know that sometimes you have to go through a few to get one that works. You should consider calling your doctor if you have been on the zoloft for awhile and it's not working, if you just started it, it make take some time.
Whoever said that your family is better off without you is nuts. I know that it is hard for your family to understand what you are going through, it's hard for mine.
Tell your doctor how you are feeling, try therapy if you aren't going. I just started a couple weeks ago, I think sometimes things get worse before they get better. It took me 2 years to get up the nerve to go to therapy, it's still hard, I just keep praying that it will get better.
You can't give up, tomorrow is another day, one day you will wake up and feel better, just hang in there, call your doctor and see what he thinks. How many mgs. of Zoloft are you on. Maybe it just needs to be increased or you need more time.
You have a child who does need his mother, and you can get through this just as I can, right now I am going through a lot of the same thoughts and emotions that you are, but I am not going to give up. There has got to be something out there that can help me. I continue to pray. The Lord does answer our prayers.
I know that for me right now, I feel like I am just existing, I am afraid of everything. I find no enjoyment in life, and it just kills me that I am like this and my family is also suffering the consequences. But, I won't give up and don't you either.
I do understand completely what you are going through because I am going through it. You are one step ahead of me, you have the courage to try medici