Nicotine gum is the only method that has worked for me on more than one occasion. I think it works for me because I can easily control the amount of nicotine I get--chew a piece; don't chew a piece or chew slowly to vary the intake of nicotine. The patch left me craving badly. At first, at least, it did not offer me enough nicotine. With the gum at first I chewed 14 pieces a day and gradually dropped down. The patch is too continuous. I treated the lozenges like candy. With my allergies, I never considered spraying anything else in my nose, like the nicotine spray. Hypnosis just didn't work. Walked right out and bough another pack of cigarettes. I figure I'm not suggestible. Chantix left me depressed; plus I still smoked. Part of the problem there may have been that I already have a mood disorder. Cold turkey was just not doable, mainly because I have a major mood disoder that is made much worse things like a lack of sleep... I had a manic episode every time I went cold turkey.
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 5/1/2009
Smoke-Free Days: 447
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 12,516
Amount Saved: $5,319.30
Life Gained:
Days: 50 Hrs: 8 Mins: 7 Seconds: 5