Today was another good day so far I have had 2 doses of the 75mg and didn't notice any additional side effects with the increased dosage. I actually feel really good especially over the last couple of days. I have an appointment with my counsellor next week on Tuesday so I am sure she will probably recommend to my doctor that I continue because I am sure she will notice an improvement. It's also funny I was working out today again and for the second day in a row on my recumbent cycle, I have the speed/time/heart rate etc. anyways I've been paying alot less attention to the monitor where before I would always look down now I kind of just shrug it off.
Trying to sum up my feelings today: I am not worried about dying, not that I want to die or anything but I almost feel like whatever happens, happens. Don't get me wrong either I am not like a zombie stoned on drugs, if fact it is nothing like that, my emotions are more like they used to be, like they are in tune with how I really feel, sad, angry, happy, bored etc., I feel I have a bit more energy as well. The energy thing is wierd it's almost as if my legs want to go run a race on their own.
I have been taking my meds in the morning with breakfast by the way and I have not had any trouble getting to sleep at night which I was warned about the possibility of, I have been sleeping well through the entire night.