Oh Gina, I wish we could just hug each other! Is your little one alright? Are you alright? All us Moms are like that I have freaked and so has every other Mom. The tingling is stress you are intuned to it. I know Hon I feel like I am back at sqaure one myself, every bone in my body hurts, I am panciking then totally exhausted, feel like I am getting a cold, low iron etc... You do NOT need to commit yourself, you are not a danger to yourself or others, they do not commit people with panic and anxiety I have been told that, just the fact you are concerned about your little one tells me you are alright, you are functioning, you are working, you are trying and you are going on. You and I are both going through such a bad time right now, I even had some chest pains today, which I never get, and this burining in my lower tummy is scaring me to death, I was even afraid to take a nap before for fear I would not wake up. So see you are functioning better than me, do not commit yourself, they would not do it not for panic and fear, I have had that thought myself, so I know what you feel. Write me back and let me know how you are. Prayers for both of us. Debbie.