Do you usually throw up with your anxiety? It sounds like you do from your first post.
I was just looking through the boards and on one of them (I think it's the second to the last one) they have a link to a meditation site. I looked for a minute and it looks good. Is it something you can try?
i threw up 4 times and when i swaalow its hurtsreally bad.the pain goes ll the in to my back!my husband wont wake up.i called my mom and she isnt answering.
I'm not a dr. so I can't give medical advice...
Did you throw up once or many times? Is it possible your throat hurts simply because you threw up? Do you have any other symptoms?
For me, the decision to go to the hospital would depend on my answers to these questions.
Hope you feel better soon.
i hate when i wake up like this with panic.i woke up feels like there is glass in my throat all the way in my back.i have had this a dozen times.i hate this!help!