Hi there. New to all of this. Thought I would share with all of you my story. A year ago I had my first "severe attack" I had gone in to see my doc that day, I was having some major personal problems in my life with family, and I also had a 7 mth old daughter. He prescribed to me Zoloft..thinking I was going through some form of depression, which I was, but not severe enough, in my opinion to be put on meds. I went home, took the meds with dinner, later that night woke up to the WORST attack ever. That was the first one I had had. I had no clue what I was going through but felt the overwhelming feeling of dying. I am still not sure if it was coincidence that early that night I had taken Zoloft and had my first full blown panic attack....since then I havent had any major ones...mild ones here and there that I have been able to control on my own. I have been going to see an Acupunturist who works on my stress points, and also taking Ginseng. I was trying a "natural" form of curing these so-called Panic Attacks...I felt much better, although I would still have some not-so-good days...I also kept a diary as to when these "mild" attacks came on what similairties I noticed before or after having them....I was surprised to find that before and during my period is when I was most prone to this "weird feeling"... Just the other night I was hit with another "major attack" a year after the fist one....no warnings. I know I had overexerted myself over the weekend. I almost knew it was coming, my intuition felt it coming. I have also been under alot of personal stress, again. I think a combination of both caused this one. It was terrible. I was reliving a year ago all over again. I had my husband call the ambualnce because it felt even worse than the one a year ago. He tried to keep me calm, to talk me out of panicking even more, but begged him to get help because I was so scared. It has been a couple of days...still feeling the after effects of it. Went to see my family doctor and had him run more intense blood work to make sure it isnt anything to do with my tyroid, vitamin/mineral levels, etc,,, I plan to see him in a week to discuss the results as well as my options. He mentioned Effecor..but doing my research, it does not look too promising. I thi