Lucy, that's the addiction talking to you and that's what your junkie is replying... don't pay any attention to either of them!! Drink the iced water and munch on the carrots and celery (hearts - I hate all those stringy bits on the outside stalks... they get caught in my tooth....) Distract, distract, distract and STAY alert!! The addiction is an evil little swine...
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/18/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 138 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,450 Amount Saved: $1,552.50 Life Gained: Days: 25 Hrs: 17 Mins: 11 Seconds: 13
Can you go at your break and get more veggies? I've been using hard candies and they really help me! COLD water, deep breaths, VERY deep long breaths! It feel SO good to not smoke. We are addicted to nicotine and our addict is trying to convince us that smoking is "okay" "really not that bad" "I'll quit later/tomorrow/next week". YOU don't want to smoke, that Nicodemon (addict) wants you to. We don't have to listen to that Nicodemon! You CAN DO THIS!!! We are here to help each other!!!
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 5/5/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 30 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 600 Amount Saved: $150.00 Life Gained: Days: 2 Hrs: 12 Mins: 59 Seconds: 45
You are on your 3rd day and by tomorrow the nicotine will be gone from your system. Do whatever you need to to get through the day. You can always decide to smoke again if you really want to, just promise yourself it won't be today. And then tomorrow see how you feel. This is no easy task. If it helps please know that we understand the emotional turmoil you are experiencing. Hang in there Lucy
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 11/19/2007 Smoke-Free Days: 198 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,970 Amount Saved: $668.25 Life Gained: Days: 31 Hrs: 20 Mins: 52 Seconds: 5
Lucy please check out the Self-Talk /Mantras needed! thread in this section.. go to the very last page and read. It may help to see what others use... just a thought
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 5/12/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 23 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 460 Amount Saved: $98.67 Life Gained: Days: 2 Hrs: 8 Mins: 13 Seconds: 22
Lucy, if you can get some ice chips, that helped me a lot in the beginning and still gets me through cravings now. Walk around, away from where others smoke. Take deep breaths, slowly. You can do this! Just hang on... wait for at least 5 posts before doing anything drastic... we are here for you!!
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 5/12/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 23 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 460 Amount Saved: $98.67 Life Gained: Days: 2 Hrs: 8 Mins: 13 Seconds: 6
I didn't think it would be easy, but I figured since I only really smoke at work, quitting smoking completely would not be as difficult as when I last tried over a year ago and was smoking a pack a day!
These cravings are really bad.
I keep hearing "just cut back for now", "you can have a couple", "start next week".
Carrots, water, bits & bites, dark chocolate........k so my lunch is finished! Now what!?
Help please.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 6/2/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 2 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 20 Amount Saved: $9.00 Life Gained: Days: 0 Hrs: 4 Mins: 11 Seconds: 59