Hello David,
First thanks for reply! Then, I must tell you that I am pretty sure that this panic attacks during illegal drugs consummation must be only on our paranoid base. It happens only because we are afraid of what might happen to us when on it! We can hear it all around us:- Don€™t take drugs (illegal ones) they are bad for you! €“ nobody really tells us why are they so bad €“ but we know they€™re bad so we are afraid because what might happen not even knowing what we€™re afraid of!
It€™s typical for us €“ panicers! We like to be afraid of something no matter we don€™t even know what that is we€™re afraid of! It€™s like our basic characteristic! Why should we not be afraid, why should we just let this drug makes us feel like something different than normal. We don€™t like to feel different than normal! Normal is good! Why would we challenge ourselves with distinction from reality? We might go crazy if too far from reality!Panicers don€™t like to chalenge (no bungee-jumping for panicers!!) ! Belive me, I know that feeling! That is my reason of not taking risks with other drugs €“ like MDMA, cocaine and especially LSD (we all know it really makes you unreal €“ thank you, but never!) and the reason I will never smoke pot again. Ok, I have much better reasons (he,he) for not taking those drugs €“ like self-responsibility, but still I must admit the first reason still lies in fear of it! You know that all of us, when having our first symptoms of anxiety, were thinking that something bad is happening with our bodies!
We thought we have cancer, AIDS (not me, yet), symptoms of heart attacks (one night when I was working on computer for hours my left arm started to tingle and suddenly I lost feelings in it. It was like that arm don€™t belong to me anymore! My first thought was €“ I€™m having a heart attack! I went to the bathroom and took a cold shower on my arm (you know, for better circulation) and after 15 minutes my arm was good again. I now know it wasn€™t a heart attack, but then €“ I was scared to death!!!) , we maybe thought we were dying, but after every visit to ER or just our ordinary doctor we would found out everything was just good with us. I don€™t think I€™m the only one who felt like doctors didn€™t make enough tests or didn€™t observe me like they should! I