Hi everyone, I am kind of new to the site. I was wondering if there is anyone else out there who feels "sick" every day. On an every day basis I suffer from a tight chest, sometimes it is so tight it feels like I can't breath, my hearing is off, I will get creeping pins & needles that sometimes itch & sometimes don't, I will feel like my sinuses hurt, my face will hurt, I will get ahces & pains, I will be hot one minute & cold the next, my heart will feel like it is beating faster, this is pretty much on & off all day long, oh, plus negative thoughts that scare the **** out of me! I will feel panicky & I can't seem to relax even when I am relaxing! There are probably more things too but I just can't think of them all this minute. Please tell me this is normal heightened anxiety! My dr. gave me a prescription for Zoloft, I think I may start it! Help! Thank you.