Good on you for asking about this. Its a sensitive issue and I am sure
even if not many people respond your question will help people out
there with a similar problem.
When I was at the peak of my panic disorder, I was getting diarrhea,
constipation and extreme nausea along with my panic attacks. It was
just awful. I wouldnt say it was the primary symptom (hyperventilation
was along with the messy panics), but it was definitely hand in hand. I
would have several attacks a day, along with the unpleasant stomach/
bowel symptoms.
Unfortunately extreme anxiety can do this to you. I wasnt on meds
when it happened to me. For some people meds actually contribute to
the problem, as a side effect.
Im on luvox, and I do get a tiny bit of nausea sometimes - a headache,
gurgling tummy (no vomitting or feeling like I am going to be sick
though). A bit of wind too unfortunately :(
I find yoghurt really helps with it. Another good option are
acidophilus/bifidus tablets. You can get them at the supermarket/
chemist. Check with your dr that these are safe to take with your med.
They should be fine for most people. They will help diarreha as well as
nausea, and are just plain good for you in general.
As for your med tinkering, how recent and often are we talking? That
can definitely contribute to a non-stable state, which may pass.
How long have you been on paxil?