If medical smoking aids to not appeal to you, then low level laser treatment to stop smoking (LLLT) may be your choice as an aid or treatment method. It is a natural, simple, relaxing, and painless form of therapy, similar to acupuncture, with no reported side effects. It has been used over 30 years in other parts of the world, while new in the United States. It produces endorphins in the body by applying the laser to various meridian points, depending on what the purpose of the LLLT is.
In Medical News Today, September 9, 2006, the Medical Reporter for CBS3 from Philadelphia, Stephanie Stahl, states, "Other than the treatment not working for everyone, there are no downsides to the laser, as long as it is used by a trained technician." With a success rate of 64% in some clinics to 80-90% in others, the LLLT is currently in clinical trials with plans to receive FDA approval.
The entire therapy is normally done in three stages, 20 to 30 minute duration, but occasionally less or more is needed depending on the smoker. The first stage deals with the laser activation of meridian points, helping to reduce the dependence of the body on nicotine. Controlling the appetite points so that you do not gain extra weight follows this up in the second stage. The last stage is the stimulation of relaxation points to release the endorphins.
The release of endorphins, according to latest research, is critical to any treatment aimed at helping a smoker give up cigarettes. Produced by our pituitary glands, the endorphins create a "euphoria" mood inside of us, or a sense of false well being, that removes the withdrawal distress caused by the nicotine. Some methods combine the LLLT with individual guidance and a 24-hour hotline, which has higher rates of success than just one form of treatment.
The meridian points of smokers that are activated by the LLLT for endorphin releases are the ears, nose, hands, wrist, and forearm. Doctors consider laser therapy similar to the Oriental science of acupuncture, but instead uses "cold" low intensity laser beam instead of sharp needles. When a smoker begins to quit smoking, the endorphins register a sharp fall. As a result, the person experiences emotional distress which includes sleeping problems, serious mood disturbances, sharp increase in appetite, anger and a phenomenal urge to light another cigarette. The only smokers who should not go for laser therapy are pregnant women, cancer patients, and epileptics.
A huge barrier to quitting smoking is the pain and distress of the nicotine withdrawals. The smoking aids may temporarily help a smoker through out the day, but by quitting smoking altogether, we can enjoy life without any distress on the body. Methods like the laser treatment to stop smoking allow a person not to be living a life dependant on a cigarette, but without the fear of withdrawal and a healthy future of added years.
[B]My Milage:[/B]
[B]My Quit Date: [/B]1/21/2007
[B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 146
[B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 2,920
[B]Amount Saved:[/B] $652.62
[B]Life Gained:[/B]
[B]Days:[/B] 19 [B]Hrs:[/B] 5 [B]Mins:[/B] 53 [B]Seconds:[/B] 34