Hi everyone, I am new to this site & have a couple of questions. I guess I should start by telling a little about myself. I am 25 years old & have been having panic attacks/panic disorder since July 2003. When they first started I was on vacation & I thought I was going completely crazy & couldnt wait to get home.
Everything was fine for a week & then they started again which scared me even more because now they were happening in my own town (however, not at my house).
I spent an entire weekend picturing how the mental institution would be & imagining myself in a straight jacket, which did no good for the problem. On Monday when I went to the Dr. & found out it was Panic Attacks I felt so GOOD. Just to know that there was a name for it & I wasn't going crazy. My Dr. put me on Zoloft & gave me Xanax (which I have only had to take a few times).I did great from July thru Dec. when they started again. Rescently I felt better & have been coming off the Zoloft (I would like to get to a place in my life where I can focus on having another baby & I did not want to do this on medication). Now my attacks seem to be coming back & I notice myself avoiding a lot. I really don't know what to do because I read a lot of books & just like this website they make me feel really positive, strong, & ready for a change. But it seems like as soon as I'm done reading and I walk into the other room I can't remember the positive things & the exercises.
I'm sorry that this story is so long but this is the first time I've made this step toward a support group & it's exciting that the people who are going to read this can possibly indenift with me. Thanks so much & I look forward to this interaction.