Awwwwwwww redface!! What a lovely message - THANK YOU!! And I'm sorry to hear you're on a downer today. I'm no great artist myself but I do run an art club for kids (voluntarily) aged 8 upwards. I thought I'd get their imaginations working yesterday and took along the words and music to "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" [The Beatles] - I was horrified when most of them said they'd never heard of The Beatles, kaleidoscopes or marshmallows (bless 'em) - but what saddened me the most was, like you and I, they didn't have a clue (to begin with)on putting their imagination/thoughts onto paper. I saw most of them covering their piece of paper - just in case anyone saw what they were going to draw. I guess we've all been so used to being told from a young age upwards not to "colour outside the lines" etc - and that things have to be done a certain way - grrrr!! To lighten them up a little I asked them to just scribble on the paper whilst they were listening to the music - again, they thought I was mad - tee hee - but they were having fun, and not feeling so self conscious. Then I asked them to look at the scribbles and see if they could see anything in them ...... the results were amazing - we could have written a best selling novel!! I think the point I'm trying to make here, redface, is that we should stop comparing ourselves and our work - we're all unique individuals. It doesn't matter WHAT anyone says or thinks about your creations, they're yours, after all, eh? And if just scribbling on a piece of paper gets all the weird and wonderful stuff "out", that's great isn't it. I remember my first attempt at working with oils - eeuww - I ended up with a horrible brown splodge on the canvas and immediately felt useless, especially as Rembrandt managed to turn out such brilliant works of art!!
Just try experimenting and, above all, have fun!! Mind you, I'm a right one to talk, I've just been going through some CDs, put Tubular Bells on, and ended up bawling my eyes out!! You'll get there redface, honestly!!
Tons of love and understanding,
Wendy, windigo, watchumacallit - you call me whatever you like, cos I'll answer, honestly!!
Ooooh - I've gone Beatle-mad here - have you ever heard Strawberry Fields? I think if you listen to John Lennon's wo