Hello everyone,
I did try the Ambien. I guess I was in such a bad state that it didn't even work. It only gave me two hours of deep sleep and then I woke up even worse than I went to sleep. I finally got in to see the psych doc. who said that the three weeks I had without sleep, had made me psychotic. My PCF was the one who gave me the Ambien just to get through the week to get to my appointment with the other doc. I was serious enough to be hospitalized. I didn't know that anxiety disorder could get so out of control that my brain wouldn't stop thinking even in my sleep, so I wasn't getting the deep sleep that I needed. I was getting more anxiety because of he things I was hearing and the things I was seeing when my eyes were closed. When I got to the doc. I kept saying Iam afraid I had turned skitzophrenic. But the voices where in my head and not outside my head, she said that I was delerious from all the adrenaline, the heart racing, the vomitting, the passing out, and from physical pain (PTSD), and then not sleeping. I told her that I thought I was going to die, or at least totally go crazy and never come back. She said that very rarely psychosis come with sever panic and anxiety.
I am happy to report that I have slept 9-10 hours almost every night for the past week and a half. I no long hear or see things. Because of getting sleep, I have been able to keep food down and have gained 3 pounds out of the total 13 that I lost, my pulse rate and blood pressure have returned to normal and am able to leave my house to go to DBT and anxiety groups and to counselling for the first time in two months.
I was already on Klonopin and Zoloft. I remain on it, but the amount and times I take it are changed. Instead of 1/2 mg in the morning and 1/2 mg of Klonopin at night...I was changed to 1 mg. upon bedtime, at which she said should be no later than 10:00, no matter if I am tired or not. Then upon awakening, even if it is 4:00 am I was to take another 1 mg. It was odd, as everyday I did this, I started awakening an hour later and the extra Klonopin kept me groggy enough to stop my over active brain, and even if I did wake up, I was able to ignore my body and brain and go back to sleep. I learned something new about Zoloft, it should never be ta