Hi Rose, I hope you are feeling better.
Lets think this through.
1) Does the wine react with paxil and xanax. Typically in small
doses this shouldnt be a problem.
2) The big question here, how long have you been taking paxil for?
This matters because you could be experiencing side effects (which are
typical in the early phases).
3) How long have you been using xanax for, and how often and how
much do you take? Xanax is quite an addictive drug, so this matters.
4) I am assuming here that you dont have any kind of physical illness
or problem with the chest or heart. Also remember im not your dr so
dont take anything I say as gospel, just advice from one sufferer to
Likely causes of your problem....
THere are a lot of variables but it could be one of the following
-a)side effects if you have just increased dose or are new to paxil. If
so, not likely to be a big problem.
-b)withdrawal symptoms if you are decreasing your dose of xanax or
even if you are just using 1 mg per day or whatever. 1 mg is a fair hit
of xanax. If you do not yet have tolerance to xanax, 1/2mg is probably
a reasonable enough dose IF your lexapro is working in general.
-c) is this your normal panic attack like symptom? (eveyone gets
different sorts of panic attacks). If so, you are possibly
hyperventilating. The hints here are that you are getting tingling and
light headnesses with chest pains. Have you learnt about breathing
exercises? This is the key to controlling hyperventilation. The paper
bag trick does work you know!
What I am getting at here, is because xanax has a short half life and is
very addictive, you can experience withdrawal symptoms surprisingly
quickly and also become dependent on it fast.
I personally was on 3mg a day at the start of my treatment, then cut
down to 1mg and i tell you it was hard to cut down and i did
experience some withdrawal. Im not on 1/2mg per day, and want to
go down to a 1/4 soon.
So let me know how you are going over there and if the above info
helps - or perhaps you could provide more info.
If these symptoms persist you should obviously see your dr, but it
could quite possibly be adjustment to the paxil, withdrawal from the
xanax and/or mor