I often read the same sorts of problems or fears that people have when they are thinking about quitting smoking, but aren�t quite sure if they can or not. These aren�t [I]always[/I] junkie excuses, but sometimes, they are. Oftentimes, people just don�t know about the quit process and have genuine concerns that they want to address before they quit smoking. This is completely reasonable and understood. So, since many of the same issues are brought up in post after post, I thought I would address a lot of them all in one post for people who might have the same concerns, but either don�t think about it or are embarrassed and don�t want to post. So, here�s a list of some common issues. I hope this helps somebody.
[b]I�ve failed so many times before![/b]
Quitting is hard� but it is also very doable. Thousands of people have quit smoking using this website alone and many, many, many more quit using other techniques. Oftentimes, people say that using a support group like this one is the thing made the difference between this quit and previous quits. So, use the site as much as you can. That�s what it�s for! Read and post and when you�ve done that, read and post some more! It really does help. Also, a quitting aid, such as NRTs or Zyban might help you too if you have difficulties making quits stick. Quitting can be done, even if it�s your 100th try. I have personally attempted to quit more times than years I�ve been alive, and here I am making this my last quit, and so can you! Believe in yourself and believe that you are done forever, and you will be! It doesn�t matter how many times you�ve quit before as long as the last one sticks! Believe in yourself and believe that this is your final quit� and it will be!
[b]My partner still smokes.[/b]
This is a tough situation for many quitters. However, there are many extremely successful quitters on this site who have quit while their partners still smoked. The best thing to do is set up some rules ahead of time. Don�t force your partner to quit because that probably won�t work and will just cause hostility. Ask your partner if he/she can smoke outside only, or in a garage or shed or other place outside your home. Also, ask your partner to keep his/her cigarettes away from you and not leave t