Hi, smoked: Hope you've gotten this far; I'm on day one again, and what I hope will stop me from lighting up that first one this time is a combo of: reading here for tips and inspiration, and following those tips; remembering that I really do want to quit more than I want to smoke; taking the time to listen to the relaxation tape; trying to keep in mind that slogan "one day at a time," and the acronym NOPE (not one puff ever). I know procrastination is a big problem for me, and looking back at my quit failures I think that I've always picked up that cigarette because in part of my brain I think: "oh, well, I'll just quit again tomorrow or the next day", so this time I'm going to try to catch myself at that moment and remind myself that I WANT TO QUIT NOW. Good luck to all of us!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 6752
Hours: 16
Minutes: 43
Seconds: 41
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked