Funny you should say that. After feeling pretty crummy in January, I had started to feel much better mood-wise and I just forgot all about this board. Well, I was also preoccupied with getting my computer back to normal after I discovered it had a virus. Still, I think I tend to come here when I'm having a tough time.
Unfortunately for the past 5 days or so I've been struggling with chest pain/pressure that I'm trying not to panic about. There are no other symptoms but that, and after the first couple of days it went away only to come back again last night. It's the second half of my monthly cycle, which is when symptoms of any kind usually hit me. So I'm trying not to worry about it. I know if I waste time and money going to the ER with it I'd just come out with the same lack of diagnosis I always get, and an even bigger debt I can't pay. It just took me by surprise because I had been in such a good mood when it started, and usually it only happens when I'm stressed about something.