Good thread...I'm experiencing similar thoughts about acceptance vs fighting. It's pure nature to have the flight/fight syndrome, especially at times of great stress. I thought this morning, that in acceptance, their IS some relief. However if it's fight or flight, I don't see where I have anywhere to flee to.
Where do I go? I'm already taking an alternate route to next option is to simply not go to work. Well, that's not really an option for me at all. So I am trying to learn to accept the discomfort of driving realizing that my discomfort from not having a job, would be much greater. This morning while driving and feeling like I might lose control, I asked myself "Who is [b]in[/b]control? I looked around and there was only me. Even the butt head who was tailgating me, instead of making me feel more tense, I felt anger, instead. I was afterall, doing the speed limit. I told myself that tomorrow if someone does that, I'm going to take my foot off the gas...and see if he/she gets the message. (fortunately, for me, the one lane, no passing, is a relatively short distance) I have never pulled over, although it's comforting to me to know that in my commute there is ample opportunity to do so. Maybe that is why I haven't found it necessary. I mean I deserve to be on the road as much as anyone else. I can't control their impatience or sudden moves other cars make, I can only react and try not to overreact..THAT is difficult, though, in some situations. The FEAR of overreacting is probably more scary than actually overreacting. PLUS, I asked myself today, "When have you ever endangered other drivers? When have you ever caused an accident?"
To my knowledge, never. One odd thing though...I had a thought today that it might be a good thing to even BE in a minor accident (NOT THAT I WOULD EVER INTENTIONALLY CAUSE ONE) just so I could say, "HEY, my worst fear happened, and guess what, I survived?"
Does that make sense?