Hi Crystal, Cheryl, and Susanne;
I didn't mean to spark a debate that would cause any hard feelings. I was just curious. My doctor used to be nicknamed Dr. Drug by coworkers and friends who see him as well. I just found it surprising that a while back, I asked him for something to help me sleep and he basically turned me down despite having prescribed something for me a few years back with no questions asked. I forget the name, but it worked well. A little blue pill that made my mouth taste like old pennies the next day. Yuck! Then when I asked him about Xanax he said it was too addictive. He knew I drank quite heavily for a little while, but that was just a phase; a bad phase. That's way behind me now. Could it just be that he thinks I have an addictive personality? My last bottle of Ativan was prescribed to me in Jan/03 and still has a few pills remaining. That's less than twenty pills in over a year. I highly doubt I'm addicted to that.
Anyway, both of you present interesting points of view on the issue. I'll bring up the topic once again with the new psychiatrist I'll be seeing March, 3rd. I just suspect that everyone has a different level of drug sensitivity/tolerance and that properly medicating oneself might take a bit of guesswork, trial, and error. Effexor (75mg) made me tremble and sweat excessively; Paxil dulled all my senses and left detached and emotionally neutral...not a good thing in my line of work, but some people use these with great success. I guess because we are all different, sometimes it's better to just agree to disagree, n'est pas?
Thank you though for your input...it's appreciated :)