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discuss our symptoms

for 21 år siden 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello, I just came across this site today (11/10/03) and wanted to share some of my symptoms... - rapid heartbeat (I think that's a given) - a weird feeling like I don't belong in my body - a need to escape, but at the same time paralyzed (esp. if I'm at work and I feel I need to run away, but am frozen in my seat because if I'm afraid if I get up I will die/pass out/die. - inability to concentrate - a little symptom I call "mall daze" - I often feel I go hours without blinking! I have been extremely lucky at work since I have found a couple of what I call "safe people", who, although they may not understand what I am going through, they don't shun me. I just wish there were more people out there like that! Betty
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Firstly, to who ever asked about the strange feeling in the head, the feeling of numbness. I think it was Ann? I get that a lot. I think it’s part of depersonalisation. It’s definitely an anxious/panic symptom non the less. My full blown attack symptoms are: Fear of dying Nausea Ringing ears Shaking/trembling Light headed/dizzy, feel faint. Adrenaline rushes Pounding heart Sharp pains in the head, kinda like a quick headache. Numbness and feelings of depersonalisation. Stiff muscles Blurred vision Hot and Cold flushes Tingling sensation all over Feeling smothered/Difficulty breathing. Feel the need to urinate Usally the day after a full blown attack I get slight diarrhoea (spelling?) My anxious symptoms are: Ringing ears Racing heart Nausea/fear of vomiting Shortness of Breath/ fear of choking Stiff muscles Headaches A feeling of unreality. I don’t get all these symptoms everytime. The most common anxious warning signs for me is a fear of dying then my ears start to ring, followed by racing heart and nausea. I’ve been told the ringing in my ears is a form of vertigo brought about by the panic. Good to read this thread by the way :)
for 21 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My symptoms are these. I do not always have all of them at the same time or even in conunction with one another, but these are all of them i have ever had. Blurred Vision Chills/Hot Flashes Jelly Legs Trembling Derealization/Depersonalization Lightheadedness Dizziness Heavy Limbs Heart Pounding Heart "Skipping beats" Adrenaline Rushes Fear of Dying Racing thoughts Hallucinations Headaches Muscle aches Eyes going crazy in certain light Muscles in neck tightening to the point where it feels like my head is being crushed Shortness of Breath Muscle strain in chest, not a pain, but more like a burn. Nausea And during Anxiety, i get: Pounding Heart "Skipping beats" Muscle tension Very VERY brief pangs of headache Muscle aches Muscle strain in chest Shortness of breath. My anxiety lasts just about all day.
for 21 år siden 0 148 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My attacks are right when I wake up .....taking all day to get through them. Than right before I head to bed. =0(
for 21 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everybody, this site has helped me tremendously. My symptoms are: very dizzy tightness in chest nausea think I'm going crazy/feeling hopeless that i will never get over this. My attacks usually occur in the night.
for 21 år siden 0 148 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My symptoms are tingling in the arms sometimes legs and back sweating Sweating palms Queasy tummy (vomiting and diarhea) fear on edge restless can't lie still or sit still shaking and trembling as if I were cold and most recently depression. I think about this anxiety all the time. I feel like I am going crazy and thatmakes me depressed and tearful. I feel I may never get better and it scares me to death. I am young (33) and have 3 kids a loving husband a beautiful house and life. WHy is this happening? Why Can't I move on???
for 21 år siden 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Does anyone ever get the symptom that their head feels numb. It is really hard to describe but it feeling like the muscles in my head are moving too. Not all the time but every so often when I am stressed. Am I dying or going mad???
for 21 år siden 0 39 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi venik..i know exactly what you mean..i go through pretty much the same symptoms myself..sharp pains in my arms,chest,tight neck,thirsty,wanting to go to the loo at the same time being frightened that i might collapse in the loo..i get chills and my teeth start chattering,dizziness,and my acidity gets so bad that i,m continously feeling nausea..what helps me is challenging the anxious thoughts that mayb this time its my heart..i have a print out from the panic programme and i sit and answer all the questions on paper each time i get scared that this time i,ll discover i have a heart problem...hope this helped a bit..we do understand what your feeling..luv sanju
for 21 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's definately not that you're going to die. Panic feeds on itself and you have to fight as much as possible. Unfortunately, for me and many other people that deal with panic disorder, it takes time and effort to heal. Have you gone to see a dr. about it yet? Definately something you should do if you haven't. In the mean time, try your best to tell yourself "it's just a panic attack, not a heart attack". That's much easier said than done, but it's definately possible. Try working with the program this site offers if it continues to bother you. Best wishes, Dennis
for 21 år siden 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My attacks usally start of with me thinking something is wrong...either I think my breathing is off...or I will get a chest pain...or a pain in my arm Then I begin to focus on that...knowing full well its better not too Then I get these...sometimes all of em sometimes some of em Rapid breathing/heartbeat Heart pounding in chest blurred vison dry mouth tightness in chest or other body part bloated stomach Dizzy unreality dont want to talk to others or be touched shaking/ or feeling like I have the chills sweating the need to drink water the need to urinate neck pain thinking im going to die crying feeling as though im having a heart attack or stroke lump in throat/feel like throat is closing sometimes my legs shake so much I cant walk properly hands tingle sometime my jaw gets tight Bad acid reflux after a bad attack I usally break down crying after an attack I will also ask to be held by my gf I hate this..I really do...I hope someday it will be gone I have been to the ER 3 times and have had 3 EKGs...and I still fear dying evrytime I have never feared anything in my life, not even death. but now when I have an attack..its all I can think of "Is this just a panic attack or is it really a heart attack this time" and that drives me nuts. :(

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