Will you promise to post a celebration note on your big anniversary in 3 days time. I want to celebrate with you.
My goal is to clock up a year - I did 17 weeks last time and really believed that I wouldn't ever smoke again. Then outta the wild blue yonder this craving hit me and it was like some sort of possession. I was going to smoke and nothing but nothing in heaven or earth would have stopped me. The memory of that gives me the heeby jeebies so I don't want to say never again although my intention certainly is never again.
If I had stayed quit that last time I would have reached my year anniversary in September and I remember the day coming round and feeling really sad that I hadn't managed it. I also remember thinking that the day came round really quickly so I decided to stop again and did so on 14 Oct.
I will reach my year target this time and then keep going. I ABSOLUTELY WILL DO IT and you just wait to hear from me that day guys.
Anyway Pam, you are almost there and I feel really happy for you. Hope you have a party planned.
All the very best
The determination and drive around here is excellent! We are all here for support and knowledge and we can win this fight :)
Keep up the great work everyone!
Keep Strong,
The SSC Support Team.