Well its day three of Celexa (I'm taking 20mg in teh morning). Last night I had a PA even after the Xanax (0.25mg). This is starting to remind me of how things went on Faverin although with Faverin I didn't have the relief of Xanax. I'm feeling kinda jumpy today. I've already listened to an inspirational cassette and done 20 minutes of meditation. I haven't yet taken any Xanax today but I'm thinking about it. I might go for a walk to burn off some energy and get some fresh air and sunlight. If anyone has got got any suggestions to help calm me down for tonight I'll be your best friend forever.
They have started me on 20mg/day but he has given me a starter pack to see if I can cope with the drug. So far so good. I took some Xanax yesterday and I know its there if I need it in the beginning. Today I feel ok. I took my dose about half an hour ago and I haven't felt the side effects. The side effects you have described I experienced whilest on Faverin. This is my second try at an SSRI. Trying to stay positive and manage it with meditation, self talk, relaxation and always having some food in my stomach. I'll report back.
I just stopped Celexa yesterday. I not only felt numb, but I was shaking continuously and I swear it made me more anxious than I was originally. I took up to 20 mg over a 4 week period and is just wasn't working. I started Lexapro yesterday, so only time will tell with that I suppose! What dosage did they start you on? I can tell you from experience that started at the lowest amount possible - 5 mg is where I started - is the best and work slowly toward your goal dose - starting at 20 or 30 mg right off the bat will just about put you right over the edge when you aren't feeling good anyway -I did that with Paxil a few years ago and became suicidal! Good luck and take care!
Started on Celexa today. I was a bit anxious because i had a bad reaction to the Faverin. I've needed to take all three doses of Xanax today as I started to feel them "work" in my body. You all know, I guess, the starter reactions like nausea, panic, dizziness and feeling like I have a clumsey remote control for my body and one I didn't expect.... stupid (I don't mean that in a bad way but my brain just wasn't running on a full tank today and I just kept making silly mistakes). Anyone have success with Celexa or hints on how to get through the starter phaze?