My morning report.
There is something strange about the morning. Maybe it is that your body chemicals arent flowing yet or something else but it never fails that I still feel my most anxious in the AM. This morning is no different. I dont feel the depression like I was but the anxiety is still there. But get this, I cant decide what I am anxious about!
For the past several weeks I was very much aware of the thoughts that were making me anxious, now it is just an overall feeling of sorts. No specific thing. In fact, when I do a mental search for a troubling thought I cant find one, and when I try to make one up it quickly dissipates or I can just dismiss it.
And yet, the overall anxiousness persists. It is an uneasy feeling like waiting for something to happen but not knowing what it is that is going to happen. Or worse....knowing nothing is going to happen but worrying anyway.
I am reading a book called "Panic to Power" by Lucinda Bassett. It is a good read and deals with the "mind over mind" kind of self help. Im not sure it will work for me but when reading the book I feel empowered so I guess that is a good thing. Anyone have any experience with this book? I know she has several programs for sale as well but they are a bit on the pricey side. Of course, if I [b]knew[/b] they would work I'd order them today.
The 1.5 mgs of Xanax (.5 three times a day) I am taking now tends to take the edge off but it does make me sleepy as well. The depression part seems to be fading rather quickly so I am concentrating mostly on the anxiety.
I wish there was some way to go from laying down to sleep at night to popping up directly at my desk the next day at work, simply bypassing this morning period. :) When I think of all the problems that other people have in their lives I realize how fortunate I really am just to have this as my curse, but that doesnt ease the suffering. Im going to keep working on it til I get the right combination of meds and "self talk" going so that I can wake up and go about my business like I used to.
That is my quest.
Thanks for reading and thanks to everyone for responding. The responses really do help me.