I would just like to thank you for your posts. They encourage me to test my boundaries. You seem so in tune, and analyze what may be the triggering factors, and work towards making adjustments. After reading thru periodic updates of your progress, I tested myself to mow my lawn yesterday. The heat used to cause me to feed into the panic of I cant do this. Well it gave me an outlook of Im going to try this today, and well if I get hot, and tad bit short of breath this isnt my panic, its expected, its 80's degrees and Im dragging a pushmower for goodness sake. So I did it, yes I got hot, but the thoughts of Oh No, its my panic coming back, did not enter my mind, I simply told myself, Im working in the yard like others, took a break, drank a glass of water, cooled down in the AC for a bit, and went right back to finish it. Just to let you know, your post encouraged me to complete this task!!! God Bless You!!!