hello ann,
thankyou for my message, i am so sorry you are feeling unwell. i can understand exactly how you are feeling because i have been their done it, got the t'shirt etc.
today has been my first day in along time anxious free and panic attack free it felt great. i took my children all over the place, pony rides, karate, shopping, it felt great. when we are well we take these simple things for granted, it comes second nature to walk to the school or go shopping or take the children swimming, but when you are anxious it is hell. their is a light at the end of the tunnell, you will get better i promise. like you i always worry about how this will affect my boys, they only know mum gets a bit nervous sometimes. when we are poorly we put a brave face on it so no one really knows, i am sure my children have not noticed my illness as i try and cover up my feelings and hide the fact that i am having a pa or anxious. any way good luck with your therapist. let me know how you get on