Heya Shann_ look! I replied! :p
I'm in a crummy mood tonight, I just found out my cholesterol is 344 and according to the lab comment with the other lab results I'm at severe risk for having a heart attack. :( I'm only 30 but my dad was 38 when he had his first heart attack. I'm so scared, now when I'm anxious tonight I think I'm having a heart attack. Geeez. I've has a nervous personality prolly all my life, and have had 2-3 real panic attacks ever, the last being 2 years ago. I'm having a major resurgence of it lately as I just separated from my husband a couple months ago and had to move in with a friend who has an alcohol problem. So I'm basicly miserable. Man, now that I type it out, it looks ****pier than I thought! :)
Well, take care, I'm on yahoo messenger as kierrah_girl
Bya! :) Kie