Thanks everyone for your kind words. This site was my family for more than 100 days and I am sorry that I let this, and my real family, down. I thought that I was out of the woods by day 100. But I was wrong. I guess that this is lifelong struggle. I will beat this addiction. I know I will because I loved these 108 days. Butterfly, it was not just 1 cigarette. I smoked 2 or 3. And I consider this a relapse, not a slip. And, like Rusty, I had no cravings, just wanted to make stress to go away. I have no excuses for what I did. I don't know why but to me it feels like the end of the world. I understand that not a lot of people make quit it stick on the first try (my husband tried 4 or 5 times before he quit for good 14 years ago). I did not think that I will be able to function without cigarettes even 1 day, but it lasted wonderful 108 days, so I know I CAN DO IT. Just now I feel like such a failure.