I'm new here too. I was really excited to find out about this website, its nice to have this kind of support. I've suffered from a panic disorder since i was 19, i'm now 23. My panic attacks range from severe and unbearable for long periods of time, to general anxiety for long periods of time (mostly fearing the next "crash" of panic attacks), to feeling fine for long periods of time. I hate it!
Anyways, i've been on several different medications, and thought i'd contribute to this discussion. I started out on Paxil, but switched to Celexa. On paxil, i experienced most of the side effects, such as drowsiness and fatigue, tremors, dizziness. Also, i found that paxil wasn't very helpful for my panic attacks, it sort of left me with an overall "numb" sort of feeling (emotionally), and although i didn't really experience the really low times with panic disorders, i also didn't experience many of the high times either (rarely was i happy, excited, etc.). Anyways, i've been on celexa for over a year now, and have changed the doses around, but have not experienced any side effects at all. This has made me feel much better. I found that the paxil often made me feel more "crazy" b/c i was always shaking (whether it was my foot, my leg), and couldn't stay awake.
I also have Alprazam (similar to xanax) for "emergencies", and clonazepam for nighttime (to help me relax so that i can sleep).
Anyways, sorry that this was so long. Good luck to all of you!