I would also recommend considering something like hypnotherapy if you think it might help you. It can be very effective in overcoming specific fears. This is NOT the sort of thing you see on TV - it is a recognised technique where you are fully conscious throughout the whole procedure. It is a method of confronting your fears 'virtually' and up-front, talking them through and 'getting the scared bit out of the way' if you like. You use visual imagery to confront what is going to happen, reduce the panic, and try and persuade your sub-conscious to follow suit! In some ways, I guess it is similar to what you might learn in child-birth classes!!!
If you did want to persue this option, as with choosing any consultant, make sure you approach someone with recognised qualifications.
Bless you Kitty. You can get through this without smoking. Belive me, it would just add to your worries.
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